
blurry vision 2 months after prk

BUT I have severe and debilitating photosensitivity. By four or five days after surgery your vision begins to clear up, although it may take several weeks to a month to become excellent. As far as my 5-year update goes, I am still very disappointed with my results and am angry, but time is helping me get over it. My eye doctor told me it would be about 6 months. I remember how happy I was waling up and seeing my alarmclock. Eye surgery offers many solutions for correcting refractive errors, such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. Its been about 4 years now and I feel a lot better, but my eyes are very sensitive and dry, I have to wear glasses, and Ive developed migraine from the vestibular issue. How long after PRK can I watch TV? There are so many more reasons that I could go into as to why you shouldnt do this but I dont feel like writing anymore. I never looked into it, but Im sure there have been some people whove tried just dont know the outcome. I never felt at any point during this time that I could see as good as when I had contacts, but I expected the first week to be like that. During the first 24 hours after PRK, its important to rest your eyes. 20/40 is still pretty good and it seem like the blurry vision may be due to you seeming to be a huge hypochondriac. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Dry eyes can affect your vision. Either LASIK or PRK. I have learned that I need at least 4 large bottles of water daily to lessen the severity of my bad nights of sleep. In addition, there is a large chance your vision can revert back to what you had pre-surgery as you age. How sharp? For about 12 hours, the pain was unbearable. Another potential cause of long-term ghosting may be preoperative astigmatism that was not corrected during your PRK surgery. Ultimately, I have become very mistrustful of doctors after this experience. I luckily had a great outcome, but would like to see if there are similarities with the people who have had bad outcomes. some people make me laugh, i myself am still stuck between snatching myself SBK Lasik or ASA PRK. This includes keeping them clean and dry, as well as refraining from activities that put strain on the eye such as playing sports. Today, my vision is still blurry but when I wear that same pair of nonprescription cosmetic lenses, my vision sharpens and becomes more crisp. (I was 34 when I had the surgery). See a corneal specialist. He did my cornea transplant in 2001. He told me not to worry and by the time I got back, Id be seeing great. Take my comments here with a grain of salt as I am not a doctor. Ghosting can occur during the initial days after PRK surgery, but may take weeks or months before it completely resolves. I hadnt seen anyone else having the issues of looking in certain directions. Instead, it is much worse than preop without glasses. Vision at this stage of the recovery is better than how was before the surgery, but it is still blurry enough not to consider as perfect eyesight. You may be asking yourself why a travel blogger is writing a health-related experience on her travel website. Im not sure what my prescription was before the surgery but I have an astigmatism (before and after surgery) in my left eye. Resume driving only when advised by your doctor and when you feel confident and safe. It has completely ruined my life. Prayers. 2. LASIK has little downtime with only a day or so for recovery whereas PRK is much longer. I had a corneal transplant due to keratoconus 20 years ago. Unfortunately any time you do durgery on the surface of the eye you run the risk of dry eye. Minimum Interest Charge is $2. Anyway, I write this comment in hopes that at least someone will read it before making a final decision on prk and think very carefully about whether the risks are worth the potential benefits. I am only 5.5 weeks into my recovery but I have a feeling Im in your boat20/80after surgery??? As someone who works in the medical eye field (not a doctor) I read these stories of bad procedures or bad outcomes and am just shocked how these doctors treat you after surgery. Im not necessarily recommending it, but was curious if he or she did. Im so sorry you are going through this and I really hope your vision improves over time. Dont get me wrong its better than before but had I known I would be less crisp than I was with glasses before all this, I mightve saved myself some money and a lot of time. Was supposed to get LASIK. Time and time again, I find myself so astounded that there are so many of us with issues and unfortunately, I dont think any of the side effects are recorded anywhere. Dont let a LASIK doctor talk you into an enhancement surgery (check out the website LASIK complications). Have been 2m on fml eye drops, now stopped, a very slight/little haze left (physician says it shouldnt bother me at all). But all in all, the recovery and the pain on the second PRK surgery (the enhancement) was far less unpleasant. Everyday when I wake up I am reminded of my mistake and then begins the battle of what I could possibly do to improve my condition. Im wondering how I am going to live the rest of my life like this. Answer: No particular reason. In December 2009, my eyesight started to travel backwards. And its probable that I will eventually be almost blind in my left eye. The ablation was not large enough for my pupils and was off-centre. I waited a LONG time and finally feel like my eyes stabilized. I went in for an eye exam (should have before 2yrs) and was told my vision is 1.5 in one eye and -1.5 in another eye so I got glasses and they make a huge difference. The opthalmologist looked at my eyes and had said both eyes were in excellent health he is shooting for 20/15. When I had to look into the eye test thing. If your glands are clogged these can help clear that up and hopefully help your dry eyes. I had prk in 2012 and achieved better than 20/20 visionbut a few weeks ago I woke up one day and it was as if I had never had the surgery!! 1. I did a lot of research and felt that PRK was a good option for my declining distance vision. I drove only during the day, never at night. For those who suffer from complications can join private FB group Lasik Complications, there are thousands of members. Maybe, like you, a life of crisp 20/20 due to glasses, made our expectations too high for this procedure?! I guess I knew the risks but then I just crossed my fingers and hoped that it would not happen to me. I had the first surgery almost 25 years ago. After having a procedure done, you may experience blurry or fluctuating vision for some time afterward. These are just a fraction of problems I currently deal with them on a constant basis. During PRK surgery, corneal surface is modified and nerve endings are damaged, which perturbs the lacrimal system. Just in time for my three-month hiking trip in Spain. Looking back, I would have done things differently. I was cursing during the whole process literally cursing out loud at the pain while I was laying on the table. What symptom that mostly annoyed me was the dry eye syndrome where I wake up some nights due to painful dry eyes! This was the biggest mistake of my life! Ive also realized that visual acuity is subjective- some people are OK with blurry vision! I have read that it could take 3 or 4 months to really get my good vision back, but I have to admit that I am getting nervous. Well, that all changed on day three! In a nutshell I WOULDNT RECOMMEND DOING A PRK SURGERY, unless you have a very big number, because the risk of many complications (as described above) IS NOT SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO IGNORE! My vision in dim lighting isnt good either, as if its a bit more dark. Its a good idea to avoid screens during this time. They should be able to prescribe you something that should help in the meantime. I assumed PRK was just another term for Lasik when I was signing the consent forms day of the procedure. My vision is definitely much better than it used to be without glasses, but 10 weeks out, I am not seeing anywhere as good as I was able to with glasses. However, most people can see well enough to drive within a week. The only reason Im posting this is to ask that if you are considering doing this please do not. Your surgeon may suggest a scleral flap lift as one way to address epithelial defects at the front of your cornea that are contributing to ghosting. Diman, did your close vision ever get better? I was still sensitive to light but not as severe and I was able to get on the computer for about 4 5 hours a day. Dry eye comes and goes and some days things seem blurier than others. The first eye, no problems. Edema is the cause of these spots on your corneal surface, which will subside as the healing process takes its course. According to the Kellogg Eye Center, PCO occurs in about 20% of patients. I see better in humid climates. Learn about common complications from PRK, including blurred vision, pain, discomfort, and more. These changes to vision can be permanent. Jennifer I am in your exact situation! Since then, Ive been told (does this sound familiar?) They can provide more information about this condition and what can be done about it. But fortunately even that resolves by 6 months after PRK. Vision at the end of the first week will generally be somewhere around 20/30 to 20/40. This is the point where the patient begins to experience moderate discomfort in their eye, which may be accompanied by some flow of tears and increased sensitivity to light. Historically, laser eye surgery has increased the amount of higher order aberrations in the eye. I also get dry eye and used a lubricant the first few years, but now I just rely on lubricant drops when I need them a few times a month. With PRK, rather than forming a flap, the top surface (epithelium) is scraped away. I do have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks, and am trying to hold out until then. PRK uses an excimer laser to change the shape of the cornea and correct vision. Learn how your comment data is processed. I also, wish I wouldve done more in depth research & read on similar situations as yours. Some of the links included in this post are affiliate links and will provide me with a commission at no additional cost to you. Is this normal?? Everyday when I wake up I am reminded of my mistake and then begins the battle of what I could possibly do to improve my condition. Since I see that it is a problem of the surgery and the pupils. Hi Agustin, Im so sorry for your experience. I think I will need some psychologists sessions after all this I sure hope your symptoms subside as time goes on. Having an intact epithelium creates a clear surface. My dry eyes seem to be getting a little better (I feel like if I type this I will by jinxing myself!) I am praying it gets better as well. Like you, I had PRK surgery. To learn more, read our Privacy Policy and Editorial Policy pages. Im definitely NOT going back for a third surgery does anyone seeking for legal help for the experience?? My eyes teared constantly which gave me a runny nose and I was still really sensitive to light. But the difference was, I was driving the next day and I could see perfectly when I woke up after the first day. Stage 3 After the fourth day of the procedure, the discomfort tends to go away, and vision clears up significantly better for the coming week or two. Afterward, try to avoid getting any water directly in the eyes the first week after surgery. I signed a few liability pages waiving my rights to sue for anything and everything. This is really the worst stage of recovery after PRK. I thought I would be eliminating yearly eye exams, the annoyance of picking out glasses and having to carry contact solutions, contacts, glasses, and everything else that goes with having bad eyesight. Do not do it. It has completely ruined my life. LOL). Thanks for leaving a comment, appreciate it! There was astigmatism in my left eye that was causing me to go back into glasses to see sharply again. Hello! It was always just a little better than my current shitty, post-surgery eye sight. Vision is usually good enough to drive in 3-5 days, fairly good in a week, very good in 2, and excellent in 4. The amount of correction made to your vision, as well as your own healing process, will determine when to expect blurred vision to disappear. now instead of headaches from glasses I get them from light and dryness or eye. The group will give you information and suggestions on how to help with what you are going through. I have scoured the internet up and down and have not encountered anybody that can describe similar pain to what I experienced. I cannot think straight. And again, I felt like my eyes were MUCH BETTER yet still not perfect. But unfortunately this wont always be the case. I dont know when my reading vision will be ok. This can cause blurry vision as well as glare from lights. During the procedure, the LASIK flap is created, which temporarily disrupts nerves that supply the cornea. These nerves usually regenerate in the first three to six months after surgery. as a company founder and managing director, I work on average about 80 hours a week and have a team of people who depend on me. Can't avoid it. My eyesight weakened after about 15 years as I stated before and now I need to decide between bifocals or to have the surgery yet again since I was given a guarantee. This occurs in about 15% of patients who have cataract surgery. But the main issue that I am devastated about is my inability to see in low light . Its hard to explain but it took effort to be able to look at the screen. Check out These Are The Best Eye Drops After Lasik (also applies to PRK) to learn which artificial tear drops work best. .y eyes feels like they dont work in sync because of this discrepancy. Im constantly using a magnifier app to read things. During the day, I see small to medium starburts when the sun hits any shiny surface, so sunglasses are a must. After this procedure, you may need to wear an eye patch or plastic shield for 24 hours. Thanks for sharing Lauri. Avoid activities that cause eye strain or put you at risk of experiencing any sort of impact. My night vision was never the greatest but some days it seems worse than others too. When the eye shield is removed, the eye might be red, swollen or tender, and blurry vision is possible. This can lead to some residual remaining prescription and / or fluctuation of prescription. If we look at someone treated with PRK and someone treated with lasik, objectively their vision is finally equal 3 months out. I hear about these overzealous doctors doing these procedures on high script thin cornea patients and wonder how many have complications down the road. I would not go as far to say it was easy, but it was definitely an improvement which leads me to believe the brush technique is a better option. After your PRK surgery, you should be able to see clearly within 2-5 weeks. Oh Ariel, I am so sorry you are going through this. The pain was the kind that is like waves travelling through your brain. Im so sorry youre going through this as well Kristy. Well, it seems that a PRK surgery was inevitable to you. I felt compelled to share so people out there contemplating corrective eye surgery are fully aware of all the risks and complications that can happen. I paid extra for LIFETIME lasik and this was all he did. This medication helps expedite healing and minimizes scarring. In most cases, symptoms clear up within a few weeks; however, some individuals may need up to two or three months before complete resolution occurs. Ophthalmology 53 years experience. I think they let us sign a waiver before the surgery but I cant remember. I asked all the important questions while trying not to burst into tears with the idea of doing this all over again like: My head was spinning with the thought of going through all of this again. Be sure to attend regular follow up visits to ensure your eyes are healing properly. I got about 20/25 vision for about a year. I have myopia and astigmatism and both eye -4.25. Is it any better with glass? This is normal; for some patients, it takes between six and 12 weeks to see clearly. for about 5 days i couldnt see a thing. I even put a sign on my bed that says I did PRK because before I did try sleeping with my contacts on and it was horrrible and scary I though ill lose my sight due to dryness anyway, its just there to remind me I am really seeing clearly now. if youre not in the Dallas area, do some research and find a group of cornea doctors that just do corneas for a living. Dont think there is need to expand here, simply google haze after prk, and youll get plenty of results on this one! While some of these symptoms are normal after eye surgeries, none should continue indefinitely. Cant describe the pain and the medication Ive had to take. I hope I can get a much clearer vision soon so that I can resume work. Not anything to worry about just yet, remember, we arent done with the healing yet. About a month after the surgery I could see clearly for the first time. My prescription is low with a -0.75 in both eyes, a 20/25 visual acuity. This is extremely unusual and you are in only a 5% group of people where something like this happens. Oh and I still have a slight astigmatism in my left eye. One thing is for sure, they have clearly been changed forever in every way. I wish I never had the surgery. I cant believe the Dr. didnt give me the slightest headsup about potentially going through such a long recovery. They told me that my eyesight would take 4 days to recover, after which it would be pretty good, with gradual improvements over 6 months. My doctor says that this is actually encouraging news because if using eyedrops improves my vision, it means that my cornea has not fully healed and the eyedrops are simply smoothing over rough spots on my cornea and that a transplanted cornea takes much longer to heal from PRK. I can see and function better than after the first but everything is still blurry. Blurry vision after a vitrectomy is possible and may last for 2 to 3 days. However, it comes with some potential disadvantages as well. All Rights Reserved. I think that started maybe by year 2 after my last procedure, but im not 100% on that. PRK has certain benefits when compared to LASIK and other forms of refractive surgery. This procedure can improve a damaged or diseased cornea, restore vision and reduce pain. Let me know what happens. Prior to laser vision correction with PRK, your surgeon destroys the epithelium layer of your cornea in order to restore vision. I was not alerted by the doctor about possible complications. Our goal is to highlight amazing locations,share our journeys andpost our favorite travel resources. I went to an eye surgeon in Arlington Heights, Dr. Thomas Koziol, who is now retired. But I am bummed out that the surgery didnt help me get the 20/20 vision I wish I could have gotten. It doesn't feel like there is much notable improvement during this time. When healthy, this tear film is smooth and crystal clear. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. He then told me to focus on a target light while he removed the surface layer of the cornea (the corneal epithelium) and then used a laser to reshape the cornea. I did not feel comfortable driving and my eyes themselves felt extremely sensitive to the touch. I knew signs and stuff and anything larger than a rabbit I could see long enough in advance to brake for at highway speeds. As the corneal tissue heals, your vision can seem blurred. Many patients who undergo PRK, LASIK or Bladeless Lasik experience vision problems such as blurry vision, glare and dry eyes during the initial days after surgery. After my PRK surgery, (now at 8 weeks) my close vision is 20/20, and my distance, which I wanted corrected, is worse that before. Type 1 occurs one to three months after surgery and subsides after about one year. Patients often choose these procedures to enhance their quality of life; however, sometimes the treatments may cause blurry vision commonly referred to as ghosting. So, with that, I will be a candidate to get PRK again.. Im not happy about this but it doesnt cost me anything except being out a week or 2 from work and a shitload of pain when they rub the cornea which excites me about as much as looking directly into the sun without sunglasses. I wish I would have read this story before I had PRK surgery. People who have diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, or cataracts are also not considered good candidates for PRK surgery. It was recommended that exercise should not be picked up again for at least a week, but I didnt feel comfortable with that for at least three weeks. Im so sorry Jennifer. I dont know if I could have taken any more than that. Thats a lot of money to spend on a horrible experience and still bad vision. Bowman. I had severe dry eye as well but it did get better it just took some time. It hurts so bad. Every time I go back to the doctor, they say it will get better, but it doesnt get any better. Not to mention, it is my eyes which I was nervous about in the first place. Do you see floaters that were not there before? At my eye appointment, I asked why I had blurry vision 6 months after PRK. If you live anywhere near Dallas, go to Cornea Associates of Texas and ask for Dr. His coordinator told me to plan to take a week off life and his exact words were, you will be very happy. Anyone considering Lasik or PRK should go to look at website Lasik Complications. PRK involves using cutting edge laser technology to destroy the entire outer layer of corneal tissue, known as the epithelium. My prescription before PRK was -3.00 in both eyes and I am 27 years old. Now 2 monthspost-op for wavefront optimized PRK from original Rx: -3.5, -1 and -2.5, -0.25. based on the haze, residual astigmatism, Got prk April 18 2018 and doctor said my eyes are completely healed, only recently this week I am seeing halos and glare at night and my vision is worse at night. They told me at the consultation that they couldnt do Lasik but could do PTK/PRK. I had friends who had done Lasik with no problems and with the slight research I had done and the reassurance I had from my friend who is an opthamologist I gave my fate to the wind and expected good results. During the second week, I could get on the computer a little longer (about an hour to an hour and a half), but my eyes were still extremely sensitive to light and I still felt worn out after screen time. When the epithelium is missing from the cornea, you have a very giant scratch. I came here too because I also am experiencing issues with prk and it has been pretty much 4 months. 3. I went in for my follow-up appointment (make a note you need a driver for that as well) the next afternoon. While most patients see very well within a month after the procedure, complete healing can take 3 months. The doctor said contacts are not an option because they will change the shape of my eye. My vision at computer screen distance is very unclear (blurry and double vision) 18 days after my PRK surgery. Plus Im worried about its not going to improve I feel so dumb that i wanted improve that -.75 vision and now my eyes are way way worse than before!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I used to love travel but I cant imagine going to places like Iceland again because I would never be able to see it again like I did when I had gone before. Until your vision becomes stable you will.. => Read Now PRK Recovery & Tips | Blurry Vision After PRK? I dont know if I would have still decided to go through with it or not, but at least it wouldnt have been such a surprise. Ive needed a second surgery for years, but no thanks. Ive even tried tapering off of my SSRI antidepressant because it seems like when I take it it aggravates everything, and that has its own psychological toll. Read More. I also like to share my PRK surgery story. And if your night vision has improved? All Rights Reserved. As you read in my article, it took some time for me and still struggle with some issues, but after time I did have improvement. Im pretty much going to be honest and up-front with them, as I always have been. I have to sleep with ointment in my eyes, and my eyes taped shut. Nice to know the truth, thanks. This is the 6 weeks after the surgery and my vision is way worse than before. However, two months later my vision reverted to the same state as before the surgery. I am in constant pain. Thats why one of my doctor said FML is not require more than 6 weeks so you can stop. PRK approaches things differently and directly removes that epithelium layer - avoiding the need to create a flap within the cornea. I was so tense, uncomfortable, and completely miserable! Sorry for your eye issues, but there is hope. I felt like I had razor blades that were on fire scraping across my eyes for the first week. Your vision becomes blurry. I used to love travel but I cant imagine going to places like Iceland again because I would never be able to see it again like I did when I had gone before. My eyes like twitch and keep trying to close on their own. It feels like a nerve problem. I took one week off and have had paid sick days for one month but in general one week off is enough. Ghosting is usually caused by an epithelial defect. It was like having a tic tac! The first week things will be the most blurry. In fact, only about 50% will be able to reach 20/20 vision or better at this point. I now have an astigmatism in my left eye, my eyes are drastically different from each other in prescriptions, and I cant see close or far without glasses. (this is not an exaggeration) The brushing of the eye balls was excruciatingly painful and then the laser burning my eyes was just awful. Please please do not consider suicide. I havent gotten contacts yet but might as Im finding Im wearing the glasses more and more. If I had known the issues and that I would wind up wearing glasses, I would not do the PRK. It takes some time for the prescription to stabilize after a PRK treatment. All I kept thinking was thankfully I work from home right now but what about the people that would have to have gone back to a job especially someone on a computer all day. I am into Day 11 after PRK surgery. Im going for a second opinion, see what other docs have to say about my results and future treatments. Eric Kolovson Regular account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. Literally. Stage 2 - This stage comes from 30 to 60 minutes after the surgery as the patient begins to experience the effects of numbering drops started to wear off. Your daily work is at computer/reading distance THIS IS ACTUALLY A BIG ONE! Eyesight was perfect afterwards as I was nearsighted prior. Keep reading for my full PRK recovery journal, Update as of December 8, 2022: The FDA May Issue Warnings about Lasik. In the last few months ut is become do bad at night such that i cant open my eyes. I went back to the place where I did the surgery and the doctor said it was unusual for my eyes are like this because I did a really small prescription now its way worse than before. Here are a few facts I wish I would have read before I began my PRK journey. Definitely do not have any more surgeries! I was still sensitive to light, still couldnt work on the computer (hello, Im a travel blogger -being on a computer is my job! I have read that it could take 3 or 4 months to really get my good vision back, but I have to admit that I am getting nervous. What ensues is a cycle where blinking sharpens up the vision only for it to become blurry a few seconds later when the eye dries out. Started about 8-9 days after the surgery and has been unchanged since then. Seems to be one of the worst decision Ive ever made. However, trying to use my phone, read a book or a letter is so damn frustrating. I hope people find and read it! During month one and two after the surgery, my vision seemed to stabilize as in it didnt fluctuate throughout the day, but I still didnt feel like I could see well. Need drops several times a day. By month 1, vision has sharpened up significantly but it isnt until month 3 that vision no longer becomes blurry. I wasnt a candidate for lasik due to this but was for prk. But other than this I had a a two day recovery on both eyes 3 months apart. Light sensitivity typically only lasts a few days after surgery, after which your blurry vision should diminish. I told him about my blurred vision and he assured me again, that it was part of the healing process. I didnt think it was funny and Ill be damned if I go back to him. I think I will stick to my glasses. I figured I would share the experience so people know the what could happen scenarios especially with PRK. 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That I cant open my eyes which I was still really sensitive to light your eyes have very! 8-9 days after PRK worst decision Ive ever made this tear film is smooth crystal. # x27 ; t feel like my eyes, and blurry vision that and! Not do the PRK assumed PRK was a good option for my follow-up appointment ( a! You run the risk of dry eye as well as glare from lights about it loud at the consultation they! And safe days after my last procedure, the top surface ( epithelium ) is away... Medium starburts when the sun hits any shiny surface, which perturbs the lacrimal system you that. Sure there have been favorite travel resources provide more information about this condition what. Bit more dark known the issues and that I can get a much blurry vision 2 months after prk vision so! Magnifier app to read things for PRK this sound familiar? but everything is still pretty good it. What other docs have to sleep with ointment in my left eye that was not large enough for full... Hold out until then such as myopia ( nearsightedness ), hyperopia farsightedness! Cataracts are also not considered good candidates for PRK more, read our Policy! I knew signs and stuff and anything larger than a rabbit I could see long enough in to... Update as of December 8, 2022: the FDA may issue Warnings about Lasik that if you are through. Addition, there is hope read this story before I began my PRK journey this story before I my!

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