
naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction

", Haku sighed knowing she couldn't lie to her master. ", She nodded in understanding. "Um you were just kidding up watching us if that happened right. Oh, by the way, my name is Haku. But it's also important to see it from Haku's perspective: This was her day off. When she drew the senbon out Zabuza looked a little worried. btw Naruto is 13ish. Is really good, I have already read this, but thanks anyway :-), https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3183054/1/Tempered-in-Water. The time has come, and he will fall. If he can no longer be a useful weapon to his savior, what is Haku's purpose to exist? ", She had a small smile on her face but then turned confused. For complete information about the cookies we use, data we collect and how we process them, please check our. It just happened. Its decent, but if you slow down a little bit, go more into depth with certain events, and feelings of a character it will be a lot better. As he was thinking about how fire normally was painful, Haku felt Naruto's cock harden even further than before. Nor was he the only one deep in thought, Sasuke and Sakura were as well for various reasons. "I met Kakashi's team today. In a flash of light, blood sprayed over Kakashi and Zabuza. So when she walked into the clearing to find Naruto making out with a girl who, in her opinion, and truthfully, was hotter than her. The author made a fem!Haku version for me when I asked years ago. One, it was her time of the month or two, something had happened and it made her irritable and he was going with the latter seeing the flush she had on her face or possible both as it was right around that time of the month. This last exam I failed one of my teachers tricked me into stealing a scroll by saying it would allow me to pass. Please consider turning it on! Additionally if Fem!Haku is so scared of unwanted attention, then (1. intentionally or inadvertently being the cause of a guy having to consider his sexuality is still dangerous to you anyways) *whats wrong with Kakashi for letting Sakura walk so unprotected? It wasn't sadness for him, but sadness for herself as she was remembering something. Child of the Touketsu Jurin 12. He was glad that Sasuke and Sakura had taken his side but it still frustrated him to no end with the man. Haku nodded as she had not moved from her spot. ", Haku nodded at him. He fixes Naruto with an angry glare. Haku got up and rushed to her clothes and put the on in a rush with Naruto not to far behind her. It continued this way until he came and rescued me. He killed my entire clan in front of me. You were supposed to stay outside!" ", A small chuckle was heard from behind them. "That was wonderful. After a few more moments the broke their kiss and both started panting. "Strong huh, never been called that before. There were many cuts along the trees as if they were sliced by swords and the same with the dead boar that was nearby. "What were you dreaming of this mourning that made you reacted so violently?" Haku said defensively not wanting to have her master thinking that. After a pregnant pause Naruto spoke again. Sometimes I think I should be like Sasuke, at least then maybe I would stop having people treating me like dirt. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Self-insert takes over Naruto right after he was knocked out from one of Sakura's punches, everyone thinks Sakura gave him brain damage because of the personality shift and memory loss. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Idle thoughtwhat if Sakura gets corrupted by the cursed seal, but Inner Sakura. While dealing with her various acquaintances trying to make her into a typical denizen of Electric Town Akihabara Yuusuke Senju is gifted with another life. Naruto's hand roamed to between Haku's legs a slowly rubbed her crotch making Haku give a squeaky moan. Haku just died. I've been getting beat by a girl! "I got distracted, alright? To me is very fitting and poetic that when the mirrors shatter, when the physical mask breaks, when those two lives are exposed to the only other person that has seen both sides of that character - that is the moment she makes the first emotional decision we see from her, making her more than just a heartless weapon/tool. Her father found out that both his wife and Haku were hiding their abilities, a brought a bunch of men to kill Haku's mother in front of her, then kill Haku. Naruto looked at her and spoke. She chuckled as she pried him off of her. Haku turned around to see Sasuke biting his lip as a black haired girl with a purple ribbon in her hair stood next to him. Id appreciate your thoughts and suggestions, https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14012629/1/A-bride-of-ice-and-steel. Sasuke looked that direction to see Naruto with a hole through his chest where his heart should be. "Hey dobe! What the hell? There was so many of them that they manage to convince the government to go on a bloodline purge, killing anyone in Mizu that had one. "Well, it seems it was a good idea to come here after all. Seeing Haku scream as she was made something inside of Zabuza's mind snap as he looked at her. Haku was slightly glad that the old man hokage, as he called, went that far to protect him sense Naruto seemed to be very kind individual. ", She smiled lightly at Naruto. Hyper masculine culture. Though if I knew this would happen I might have stuck around to get a few pointers when I'm ready to revive my clan. Haku's eyes widen in alarm as she heard this and was prepared to leave when Naruto waved at her passively. Why gender bend when its unnecessary. And that miracle occurred. ", Haku's blood went cold as she remembered him saying that as both Kakashi and Zabuza's eyes widened hearing that. Someone that brought actual meaningful change to the Mist that not even Zabuza could bring - because perhaps their ideologies or visions for the future were too radical. ", Naruto was floating in back abyss in front of a giant reddish orange nine tail fox. "Aren't you supposed to be guarding Tazuna? ', "Kaa-san!" A tear slipped down the demon of the mist eyes but dried up quickly as he heard a voice from the other end of the bridge. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto.". "Now since I told you mine, you will tell me why your eyes show the same kind of darkness.". I will do more than one for Yugito and Haku since they are my favorite female characters and are the best fits for Naruto, in my opinion anyways. Shaking his head, he noticed the light blush on Haku's face when she mentioned the boy. But please, nothing like: "Master please fuck me every time like a bitch", Naruto is trained to be a medic so he is sent to "cure" femHaku but Haku is broken due to the death of Zabusa and latches on to Naruto. "But at least we found someone that we hold precious to us. She noticed a bit of precum seeping out of the heads slit and licked it and somewhat liking the taste. As she realized what she said she slapped her hands over her mouth in horror. She gasped hearing that and nearly threw up as it was sickening to hear of something like that happening. As the pain died down, Haku could feel nothing but pleasure as Naruto member stretch her walls, filling her up completely. 'Damn! [There's only so much loss one can experience before bone deep weariness, settles in and old rage starts to boil up again. There are infinite histories throughout the infinite timelines, and Fu is a bored dimensional traveler; he wants to change the course of history from one of the countless worlds he has explored. Broken Glass 3. That is going to be a hard obstacle to overcome, especially if he doesn't use it till he has no choice as it would seem from that kid.' Please consider turning it on! Those jerks!". Naruto had a pleasant feeling spread through him like none other before as he felt his sack was on a fire, which was odd because fire normally hurt. ", Haku was debating on whether or not to put him in a near death state again to shut him up or to just tell him. The Jinchuriki Hanyou 14. "Why do you want to become stronger? "Damn kit. You could free yourself from him. Hes bigger than most of those in the videos.. Naruto got up and stretched his legs. The fact that some Fem!Haku fics have the "I'm a boy scene" from canon and this is done so that Haku doesn't get unwanted attention from dudes. It was a week after the two had made love and they hadn't seen each other during the entire time as to training or preparing to attack the bridge builder. Press J to jump to the feed. If you do I can't insure your survival.". I was without a purpose and a life. With that said, Haku unleashing a massive amount of senbon on the two unfortunate gennins. Everyone looked surprised to see Sasuke standing between them holding onto Sakura's fist. Maybe something grows between them? Shaking that thought off Zabuza turned to Haku. In order to stop it Hokage-ojij had Anbu watching me at all times to keep it from happening. "Well after Kyuubi was sealed within me the council and villagers demanded my head at once, but Hokage-ojij used his power and silenced the council with the threat of execution if they tried anything. ", Naruto looked darkly at that making her wonder what she had said to get that kind of reaction. I'm Yuki Haku and since I took my first breath, Naruto's world has changed in an irreversible way. Unable to take it anymore Haku screamed so loudly as she orgasmed from Naruto's ministrations that she was heard through Nami. The two just stared wide eyed in horror at Sasuke before he spoke. Finally gaining something to protect, she's not going to stand for his actions any longer. Haku sighed a bit before smiling at him. His generation is filled with geniuses and everyone is convinced Naruto does not stand a chance keeping up with them. Ok, this idea was spawned from the Haku thread over in the Talk section. You can make it through this!" Yes please! It becomes this whole unninjalike clothes situation where by adding one specific rule just because you dont like something about one character you ended up changing the way the entire setting works without realizing it. "Okay something is definitely up. There will be some grammar and spelling errors so expect some and if not, something is seriously wrong. "Well I better go. Haku stood up from Naruto's corpse with a crimson glow around her that was being drained from Naruto's stomach before she turned around and glared at Gato with crimson eyes filled with an unbelievable amount of rage that made him and a good amount of the mercenaries wet themselves. They can get very overprotective over their pink princess. She screamed as she saw the mist fading and he was pinned to the spot by a large number of dogs with Kakashi charging at him with lighting covering his palm. What if he was seen as the 'demon'? She had a creamy pale skin complexion and had her brown hair flowing down to her waist and had eyes deep brown eyes that showed joy and sorrow. Naruto finds help from A Man long thought Dead. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. "Yeah, what she said. Because I'm the Almighty". So all they could do for years was glare at me since the law.". The Demon of the Mist that killed an entire graduating class for being weak, who orchestrated a coup, Whose been a missing ninja chopping heads off for years? Parts of chapter one taken from "Naruto: shifts in life" by -the engulfing silence- i Naruto is neglected by his family, and Kakashi wants his adoptive brother to be happy. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. "I know the blonde hair boy is a jinchuuriki. Naruto becomes a beloved son and little brother. He tries to come to term with this and loving Zabuza. "Where is the dobe?". "I will never let you be harmed, my tenshi. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (9), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (8), Naruto Time Travel doesnt get Rid of trauma, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama & Uzumaki Naruto, Lucy Heartfilia/Erza Scarlet/Uzumaki Naruto, Corrupt Konohagakure | Hidden Leaf Village, Uzumaki Naruto/Original Female Character(s), Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama/Uzumaki Kushina, | History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama/Uzumaki Naruto, TwicetheTrouble-FFnet-archive (TwicetheTrouble), why did i decide to edit an almost decade old fic, Nibi | Two-tails | Matatabi & Uzumaki Naruto, My self-insert has no manga in the naruto universe, Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, She'll burn the whole world down if it means she and her loved ones will live. Naruto cursed whatever deity that gave him false hope before sighing in resignation. I'm sick! She kept this us till it reached the back of her throat. "Alright, since I'm stuck doing this, I want you first to agree that you will not completely freak out and attempt to kill me as I speak. Unlike the original, Orochimaru finds Naruto to be too much of a nuisance to be ignored but too intriguing to just kill. The sun turns from healing to danger and it becomes almost every man to himself. "Now as I was saying one day my kaa-san saw me perform our bloodline, the Aisuseishi or ice control. The Final battle on the bridge that would later be named the Great Naruto Bridge, are way different. Especially if that someone is a bit unstable. They left without me! "Naruto, since I'm not going to make it. Once she managed to regain control over her stomach she looked at Naruto in shock. The fucker has over eight hundred channels and there is nothing on! Now being put into audio by JazzOfTheSpazz on YouTube for those who want to listen! He hasn't eve bothered once to help me train once. A good tool provides for its master. ', As she though that Naruto answered her unasked question. "Who's he? As Haku tongue pressed against his lips, Naruto couldn't help but give into his desire and start kissing her back making Haku moan. His sight. Sasuke walked off with a large smirk on his face as he gotten pay back for not getting Naruto to tell him the secret of tree walking. ", Haku sighed knowing that would be his response before placing her mask back on. If I was in your position I would do the same thing. After his parents continually neglect him he leaves and stu Naruto Uzumaki met someone during his mission in Wave. In the case of a certain blond hyperactive ninja, Naruto was figuring out how to best carry out Haku's last request. "Yeah, it was, Haku-chan.". Your team left saying you would be out for most of the day so I didn't think you be up this early. When Naruto loses everything he ever knew he gets another chance in which Kurama sends him back to a much simpler time where he was just a child trying to get attention but this time become the strongest shinobi in history basically Naruto time travel I know how unoriginal but its my first fic go easy on me. Wedding Sniper 9. Now with knowledge of his past life and limitless potential. Naruto the son of Mikoto and kushina join him has he fights a evil Hyuga and find kinks along the way and piece to the elemental nations. Naruto is reincarnation of both Ashura and Indra Otsutsuki. Haku realized where she was heading and tried to change course but could as she neared the clearing she met Naruto earlier the mourning. A collection of Valentine's Day oneshots from Konohagakure. "Yes No! tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. (will occur after third war arc)]. Orchimaru targets Sakura haruno and Amya Uchiha, can Naruto and his allies ave the two kunochi and end Orchimaru?. ", Zabuza raised a non existent eyebrow. Haku nodded in understanding as she did the same thing. Just being around him has gotten me wet. Once in the academy I was treated like I was outside. Naruto pulled out a green moss looking plant and gave it to Haku. , , . "Naruto, when youre dressed, get something to eat and then we can continue the damn tree walking exercise. Sasuke grabbed Sakura by her feet and started to drag her away. 37. r/NarutoFanfiction. The world is ending as they know it. Haku cursed her luck while Naruto was praising whatever deity that was up there for getting him out of it. ", Naruto smiled lightly at Haku's question. And then the final note: If Haku is a female, Mei Terumi goes on to represent everything Haku would have sought in her own life had she become a bigger character. Oh, and became Hokage too, I guess. She released first and screamed to the heavens as her walls clamped down on Naruto's bulging member as he released his large load inside of her. He fixes Naruto with an angry glare. He brought his head towards her slit and licked the little nub making Haku moan loud enough that he was sure someone had to hear it. Still, like I said, I dig it. Haku walked towards him. ", Haku smiled at him. Murdered by vengeful villagers, Naruto discovers startling facts about life and the afterlife. You can selectively provide your consent below to allow such third party embeds. After the quick mental battle between her loyalty to Zabuza and her wanting to get what was on her mind out she decided to tell him, some but not all. Until he disappears for ten years only to come back stronger than before to prove OPMxNaruto "Oh, by the way. 177 Kudos: 923 Seeing this, Sasuke jumped in the way taking the blow instead of Naruto. I've never called anyone kun before!'. ", Sakura looked behind Sasuke to see Naruto and Haku slightly flushed at being caught as they were making out. ", Naruto smiled foxily at her and nodded his head. It was someone he came to cherish and care for within a span of ten days. Unlikely if he has no way to control it. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jumping up from the ground, Naruto rushed over and locked licks with Haku once more. Naruto noticed tears falling from her eyes gently hugged her to comfort her from the pain. Curious as to what it was, she went to check it out. Of Valentine 's day oneshots from Konohagakure something to protect, she to. Realized where she was heard through Nami two kunochi and end orchimaru? grabbed Sakura by her feet and to... 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naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction