
union avoidance firms

[i]. He has published widely on employer opposition to unionization and on anti-union law and consultant firms. 3.Meredith Hobbs, Strong Demand Fuels Growth for Big Four Labor and Employment Firms, LAW.COM Daily Report, April 11, 2019, available at https://www.law.com/dailyreportonline/2019/04/11/strong-demand-fuels-growth-for-big-four-labor-and-employment-firms/?slreturn=20191021070945. Your employees have a right to unionize, but you also have a right to educate them about potential dangers and negative effects of labor union representation. But who are Amazons anti-union consultants? In May 2010, the ILOs Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA) issued a decision that the U.S. employer community has interpreted as an endorsement for American-style anti-union campaigns. In the absence of negotiated voice and dispute resolution mechanisms to balance employer and worker interests, non-union firms have grappled with strategic decisions regarding how and when to provide workers with formal voice and dispute-resolution options." The five alternatives Avgar proposes are: avoidance configuration; protective . 15.Littler Mendelson, The U.S. NCP and Developments on Extraterritoriality, available at https://www.slideserve.com/sean-fox/stefen-marculewicz. John Logan is Professor and Director of Labor and Employment Studies at San Francisco State University and a visiting scholar at the University of California-Berkeley Labor Center. 11.Jackson Lewis, Surveying the New Labor Law Landscape, 2011, available at https://www.acc.com/sites/default/files/resources/vl/membersonly/ProgramMaterial/1303944_1.pdf. If employees have trust and a connection to the team, they are less likely to feel unhappy and seek out a third party. Many of the early studies suggest that union members are less satisfied than nonunion . Lawyers and consultants devise strategies for managers to maintain union-free workplaces. Use a tool that provides enough detail to identify actual and potential issues. Before sending mail to your intended recipient, you must first understand the 7.Littler Mendelson, Labor Law Update, October 15, 2014, available at https://slideplayer.com/slide/6206656/. The leaked records include a spreadsheet of anecdotal personal information the company had gathered . Araby is all too aware: "Union avoidance firms are a growing presence in the cannabis industry; the big union-busting law firms like Morgan Lewis and Littler Mendelson, as well as others, see . Unless otherwise agreed in advance, all unsolicited Union avoidance cannot be done haphazardly, part-time, or after other "more pressing" matters are complete. CHICAGO. to be confidential until the attorney verifies that the firm does not represent other The union campaign among 2200 workers at Fuyao Glass, during which the UAW complained that workers had faced a a barrage of anti-labor tactics and intimidation, was the subject of the academy-award winning documentary, American Factory, in which the company president talked about firing union supporters. American Factorys Anti-Union Firm: If they know anything about LRI, labor observers probably heard about the union avoidance firm through its involvement in the intense anti-union campaign at Chinese-owned Fuyao Glass America factory in Moraine, Ohio, when the firm was reportedly paid $1 million to oppose the UAW. The Starbucks Workers United union campaign has now won over 164 National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) elections, and over 300 stores have petitioned for NLRB elections. LIS is a long-established union avoidance firm that also operates under the name, The Burke Group, or TBG. All Rights Reserved. 1. Whether you choose one-on-one mentoring, group training, or The Union-Free Privilege Academy, our union avoidance management consultants tailor seminars and workshops to meet the specific needs of your organization. Contact us for a free consultation! None of these global union federations comply with the requirements of the LMRDA [Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act].16 Thus, union avoidance law firms have opposed using the 1959 LMRDA to require financial reporting from union avoidance firms and employers that hire theman original intent of the lawbut support using it to regulate global union federations, over which U.S. law has no jurisdiction. Univar USA. It is a form of union avoidance that involves tactics such as intimidation, misinformation, and legal challenges to limit or . 310-284-3894, F Three of the biggest law firms that do this work are Littler Mendelson, Ogletree and Jackson Lewis, which have grown from regional operations into global union avoidance behemoths. Hutchison Group is a nationally recognized HR and labor relations consulting firm. Google's Union-Busting Methods Revealed. #7. accepting representation. Documents show Johns Hopkins Hospital hired a union-busting firm that frequently hires consultants from another union-busting firm with alt-right sympathies. When Britain introduced its new union recognition law in 1999, one U.S. firm wrote: "Sixty-five years' U.S. experience with union organizational experience provides valuable parallels from which U.K. employers can learn how to stay union free. The Center for Individual Employees: In addition to running the RWP consulting firm, Brown is president of the Center for Individual Employees (CIE), a 501c(3) non-profit legal defense foundation. CIE, which claims to be active in all 50 states, is a legal defense foundation that provides free legal services to workers against unionization Although the organization is secretive about its funders, we know that CIE received $18,000 from the anti-union, billionaire Koch Brothers in 2017. . The success of almost every company is largely determined by the performance and productivity of their employees. Direct persuader activity triggers the reporting requirements (Section 203a) of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), which means that corporations and their consultants are required to report their financial arrangements to the Office of Labor-Management Standards at the Department of Labor, although the requirement has been poorly enforced for several decades. Do you want to receive more valuable insights directly in your inbox? Best Lawyers 2022 "Best Law Firms" List. In common with LRIs Phil Wilson and several other prominent consultants, Russ Brown has repeatedly opposed policy initiatives designed to limit prolonged anti-union campaigning. 21.Daily Labor Report, Nissan Rejects State Department Offer to Mediate Over UAW Anti-Union Complaint, February 3, 2015. 616-742-3999, F With the assistance of Ogletree Deakins, it resisted union campaigns in 1989, 1998, 2000, and 2001. Jackson Lewis went global in 2011 by forming an alliance, L&E Global, with five large European-based management-side labor law firms. . Since Littler was founded in San Francisco in 1942, union avoidance has been a major area of its expertise. In June 2020, after widespread criticism of its lackluster response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Amazon hired two corporate health and safety experts from one of the country . The union avoidance industry continued to grow, and LRA served as a breeding ground for several future superstars of the union-free movement. An effective union avoidance strategy involves a number of other components, including: F Sources. In 2018, Littler employed over 1000 attorneys in the United States and over 1500 worldwide. necessary.17. Framework agreements, the firm cautioned, are especially problematic for public-facing retail brands.14, Union avoidance attorneys have advised employers to deploy global standards offensively against labor organizations. In the early 1970s, "a cottage industry of union-avoidance firms mushroomed into a gigantic industry," says Jane McAlevey, a longtime labor organizer and senior policy fellow at UC Berkeley . 4 (December 2006): 651-75; John Logan, Consultants, Lawyers and the Union Free Movement in the United States since the 1970s, Industrial Relations Journal 33, no. Consultants . The notoriously secretive, $340 million-a-year industry of union-avoidance firms is currently advertising based on the idea that the pandemic has put organizing on "steroids." Crushing Unions With Consultants, "Explainer Videos" and "Heat Maps". Even with the new election rules, the NLRB election process will remain stacked in favor of corporations and their highly-paid "union avoidance" consultants. In 2019, Google hired IRI Consultants, a union avoidance firm, "amid a wave of unprecedented worker organizing at the company," as Vice's Motherboard put it in January 2021, while reporting on leaked files from IRI that provided a disturbing picture of how far Google may have strayed in its . The Dangers Of Union Avoidance. . Among other campaigns, while working under LRI, Brock helped defeat a union campaign at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas in 2014 and is currently running a major anti-union campaign at the largest hospital in Maine. Our labor relations training for supervisors is conducted on site and is typically completed in just three hours. Dont ignore the early warning signs of union organizing: huddles that disperse when a manager approaches, increased use of union terminology, new worker alliances, increased complaining, and more. Our team has also helped companies avoid hundreds of campaigns across the country, including UAW, Steelworkers, Teamsters, CWA, IBEW, UFCW, UNITE-HERE, IAM, AFTRA, SEIU, The Laborers, GMPP, Sheet Metal Workers, 1199, just to name a few. [i] https://olmsapps.dol.gov/query/orgReport.do?rptId=740712&rptForm=LM20Form; https://theintercept.com/2021/02/10/amazon-alabama-union-busting-koch/, [ii] https://www.bloomberglaw.com/product/blaw/bloomberglawnews/daily-labor-report/XDO8UHS0000000?bc=W1siU2VhcmNoICYgQnJvd3NlIiwiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmxvb21iZXJnbGF3LmNvbS9wcm9kdWN0L2JsYXcvc2VhcmNoL3Jlc3VsdHMvYzk5NGZkYWY2Njk3ODRlZWY1ZWMwNDFmNTU4N2I1MWIiXV04b7364334cc7ae9ee73746b2a39fefa3bcbfd714&bna_news_filter=daily-labor-report&criteria_id=c994fdaf669784eef5ec041f5587b51b&search32=z06D2qAaUyOlZ5RoTngirA%3D%3DAFxBuzXRrdQ1eS8JhXb75fLUkPDQjTdd3oCq3KwQ-HHDP0xweicPLMSsdCqq59RV_jlTjPNdfq8FAgUVzbrDJ7Oc9jwyLuv_QVo0oiA1us7ZhFnB13ZPEVTUhGezjqnjtiFX8AfvZ8tlbvpuSJmU_A%3D%3D, [iii] https://files.epi.org/uploads/LM20_C525_01_28_2013_525631-copy.pdf. Russ Brown: Russ Brown is a long-time anti-union consultant, who worked for many years in labor relations at Delta Airlines, before starting as an anti-union consultant for Oklahoma-based Labor Relations Institute (LRI), Inc. and now runs his own firm, Road Warrior Productions (RWP) Labor, LLC, based in Florida. For a complete list of our services please visit our services page. For example, evidence reviewed by Motherboard . Littler attorneys have argued that, under international law, employers not only have a right, but also have an obligation to oppose unions: ILO jurisprudence requires them to speak out against unionization, otherwise workers will be denied access to information they need to make an informed choice: [I]t may be a violation of international law for employers to be limited in their right to freedom of expression and opinion . Mission Hospital: A Relentless anti-union campaign during the pandemic: In addition to the Amazon campaign, Brown and Smith have worked on several other recent high-profile anti-union campaigns, including among nurses at Mission Hospital, owned since 2019 by the for-profit healthcare system HCA, in Asheville, North Carolina. Kara Fox-LaRose, president and general manager of ilani, a casino . Preparing a first round of union avoidance materials. 14.Global Legal Group, The International Comparative Guide to Employment & Labor Law, 11-12, available at https://www.hoganlovells.com/~/media/hogan-lovells/pdf/publication/theinternationalcomparativelegalguidetoemploymentandlabourlaw_pdf.pdf. 614-628-1433. 3. Among other things, the Macon workers were threatened with losing their jobs if they voted for unionization. According to Motherboard, leaked polling spreadsheets from one of the most prominent union avoidance firm, IRI Consultants, show how anti-union consultants profile and essentially characterize . A union flyer was posted on one of your facility's employee bulletin board last night. Julia Rock. In 2021, the company paid more than $4.2 million to four anti-union labor firms, according to disclosures filed with the . Her Reliant bio page states: As a consultant, Rebecca has led numerous anti-union campaigns, resulting in a winning record for the companies with whom she partnered, including but not limited to government, non-profit, and for profit organizations within airline, transportation, healthcare, hospitality, energy and retail industries. While critical of the shred it! campaign, the CFA defended employers right of free expressionthe first time, according to Littler attorneys, that it had made such a statement.19. This makes proceedings more difficult during an already trying time. Employees see no way to address their issues beyond inviting outside help to disrupt your business. The EPI estimates that the "union avoidance" industry, through which companies hire outside firms to defeat organizing efforts, is now worth $340 million per year. Here are some of the most well-known companies in America and how much they've spent on union-busting firms. Consider offering benefits like vacation time, compensation packages, and tuition reimbursement, and be sure to communicate the value of these offers. Google hired IRI Consultants, a firm known for its anti-union activities, for advice on how to deal with growing worker unrest. During this crucial labor relations assessment process, our labor relations consultants LISTEN carefully to employees and focus on (1) what is working well, (2) areas of concern, and (3) their recommendations for improvement. Other large law firms specializing in union avoidance, such as Jackson Lewis and Fisher Phillips, have internationalized operations through alliances with overseas management law firms. Why Cant College Coaches Embrace the Reality of Players Being Paid Through NIL? Amazons relentless anti-union campaign will likely play a central role in union messaging on the PRO Act now that they have gotten the countrys attention. Three of the biggest law firms that do this work are Littler Mendelson, Ogletree and Jackson Lewis, which have grown from regional operations into global union avoidance behemoths. For example, the president of one anti-union firms with which Smith has worked, Joe Brock of East Coast Labor Relations Consultants (ECLRC) and Reliant Labor Consultants, claims to have worked for the Teamsters Local 830, the largest IBT local in Philadelphia, for over twenty years, before losing a union election in 2007 and becoming an anti-union consultant. 4 Issues In Play As New Biden . With twenty six of its eighty-one offices located overseas, Littler has been the union avoidance firm most aggressive in expanding internationally. According to Amazon management, additional union avoidance experts were necessary because of the large size of the BHM1 bargaining unit, and the unusual nature of the lengthy mail-in NLRB ballot. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. This union avoidance internationalism poses a significant threat to workers who have benefited from global campaigns, and presents another obstacle in the path of unions attempting to organize at MNCs. One of the biggest spenders in recent years is Amazon. During the winter, The Hershey's Company hired six union-avoidance firms to block organizing efforts at its chocolate factory in Stuarts Draft, Virginia. She's fourth generation union, raised in an activist-union household. (312) 836-0100. You have a powerful labor relations team of experienced union avoidance consultants in your corner. waiving employer rights . When managers are ineffective, organizations become vulnerable to union organizing. Some organizations practice union avoidance by engaging in activities that discourage employees from unionizing. These firms often provide so-called union vulnerability assessments, which are usually based . A union organizing campaign can be an incredibly divisive and destructive experience for your organization or business. Even before it engaged the services of these two anti-union consultant firms, Amazon had hired Morgan Lewis, one of the nations largest law firms specializing in union avoidance activities. Google's Union-Busting Methods Revealed. Often the easiest way to solve a problem is to avoid it entirely, and avoiding a union is no different. Jackson Lewis has a well-known and long-standing union avoidance practice. These strategies can include active intimidation and surveillance of union supporters, exploiting divisions within the workforce to stir up opposition to the union or spreading misinformation about the . Captivating Workers: Captive meetings mandatory group anti-union meetings which employees can be fired for refusing to attend have been a central feature of Amazons anti-union campaign at Bessemer. There seems little doubt that when the campaign at Bessemer is finally over, Amazon will have paid millions of dollars to its law firm and its union avoidance consultants. Right now, corporations can secretly hire firms designed to destroy union efforts. In testimony before the House of Representatives, one Littler attorney stated that global union federations have become increasingly active in the United States and on behalf of their U.S. member unions to further organizing efforts . Anti-union experts have been busy in the nonunion grocery and warehouse sectors. Other important benefits derived from our employee relations consulting program include: Companies that listen to employees and train their supervisors to develop good working relationships can reduce interest in union membership and deter union organizing efforts. With 30 years of experience as union avoidance consultants, we know what it takes to avert a disaster for your business. Littler Global opened its first overseas office in Venezuela in 2010, its first European office in 2015, and now it has offices in over twenty countries. Labor Relations Training for Supervisors (best way to reduce your risks). Don't forget to like us! Employers can demonstrate their commitment to providing employees a voice in three key ways: Experience and Innovation Chrome Littler attorneys have suggested using the OECD complaints process . 12.Jackson Lewis, Global Preventive Strategies for the Cross-Border Workplace.. E-mail or other means of communication), do not disclose information you regard Two: Your employer hires fancy anti-union firms, lawyers and consultants. The countrys 11 largest national passenger airlines all have unionized pilots, as do shipping carriers such as UPS and FedEx. Follow us on Facebook page to receive the latest updates. Open communication between employer, employees is crucial for maintaining a healthy working environment. 2013-2023 Adams, Nash & Haskell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thomas McKibbin, a . . : Question 7 (1 point) Managers in firms choosing a view the union as the legitimate representative of the firm's employees and such a relationship can lead to innovative initiatives and win-win outcomes. The refusal was no surpriseemployers have turned down the NCP in every U.S. OECD complaintbut Nissan invoking the ILO was surprising. IRI Consultants, a union avoidance firm, noted in one publication that unions in some industries, particularly high tech, have drifted toward capitalizing on demands that employers do a better job . In a move the U.S. National Contact Point (NCP) described as regretful, Nissan refused its offer of a non-binding mediation process. Seaton is a well-known union-avoidance consultant, otherwise known as a "persuader" or, more accurately, a union buster. Brown and Smith campaigns worked on a failed attempt to decertify flight attendants at Allegiant Air in 2016, which was then the largest decertification attempt in the history of the Railway Labor Act. October 15 - 16, 2019. This month, we found out that Amazon is using a second anti-union consultant firm which is an unusual step, even for an anti-union firm like Amazon: California-based Labor Information Services. We are, at times, more than lawyers, we are advisers bringing new ideas to light. Also, it should be noted that when companies wait to fix problems until after a campaign begins, the union is quick to take credit for any improvements, telling employees look, were already forcing the company to make changes, just wait until after the election.. advice. 19.ILO Committee on Freedom of Association, Complaint against the United States, Case No 683, Report No. We have an extensive team of legal professionals that offer creative solutions and innovation, aimed at engaging clients in union avoidance activities prior to the formation of an actual campaign. . Amazons Huge Expenditure on the Bessemer Anti-Union Campaign: Amazon is paying a small fortune for its anti-union consultants. For example, under the Obama Administration, Brown wrote against the Employee Free Choice Act lobbied against pro-labor changes to the FFA Reauthorization Act and testified against the Obama NLRB efforts to streamline the union certification process to prevent employers from using delay to undermine union campaigns. One major difference between union avoidance law firms such as Morgan Lewis and consultant firms such as Road Warrior Productions and Labor Information Services is that consultants conduct so-called "direct persuader activity" - i.e., they have face-to-face contact with employees while the law firms generally avoid this. 3 (2002): 197-214. Labor History for the Classroom and the Public, The Radicalism of Working-Class Americans, activities of Labor information Services elsewhere, and LRA served as a breeding ground for several future superstars of the union-free movement, a barrage of anti-labor tactics and intimidation, https://olmsapps.dol.gov/query/orgReport.do?rptId=740712&rptForm=LM20Form, https://theintercept.com/2021/02/10/amazon-alabama-union-busting-koch/, https://www.bloomberglaw.com/product/blaw/bloomberglawnews/daily-labor-report/XDO8UHS0000000?bc=W1siU2VhcmNoICYgQnJvd3NlIiwiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmxvb21iZXJnbGF3LmNvbS9wcm9kdWN0L2JsYXcvc2VhcmNoL3Jlc3VsdHMvYzk5NGZkYWY2Njk3ODRlZWY1ZWMwNDFmNTU4N2I1MWIiXV04b7364334cc7ae9ee73746b2a39fefa3bcbfd714&bna_news_filter=daily-labor-report&criteria_id=c994fdaf669784eef5ec041f5587b51b&search32=z06D2qAaUyOlZ5RoTngirA%3D%3DAFxBuzXRrdQ1eS8JhXb75fLUkPDQjTdd3oCq3KwQ-HHDP0xweicPLMSsdCqq59RV_jlTjPNdfq8FAgUVzbrDJ7Oc9jwyLuv_QVo0oiA1us7ZhFnB13ZPEVTUhGezjqnjtiFX8AfvZ8tlbvpuSJmU_A%3D%3D, https://files.epi.org/uploads/LM20_C525_01_28_2013_525631-copy.pdf, https://www.amazon.com/Union-Hypocrisy-Organized-Standard-Business/dp/1478275162, https://tunein.com/podcasts/Conservative-Talk/The-Brenner-Brief-w-Sara-Marie-Brenner-p514156/, https://www.rwplabor.com/consultant-bios/rebecca-smith/. 12. Brown and Smiths anti-union activities extend beyond individual counter-organizing campaigns, and they have targeted the sector for several years. The federal PRO Act, which passed the House this month, would prohibit captive audience meetings. Our team at Adams, Nash, Haskell & Sheridan will work with management to help your organization achieve the best possible outcome. One major difference between union avoidance law firms such as Morgan Lewis and consultant firms such as Road Warrior Productions and Labor Information Services is that consultants conduct so-called direct persuader activity i.e., they have face-to-face contact with employees while the law firms generally avoid this. A breeding ground for several future superstars of the biggest spenders in recent years is Amazon employees! Vulnerable to union organizing help to disrupt your business List of our services please visit our page... 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