
when will i meet my twin flame tarot spread

If youre an experienced tarot reader, you can create a twin flame tarot spread of your own to ensure a reading that suits your needs. Felt like you'd known your S.O. This card focuses on love in all forms, new relationships of all types, and compassion. And one which uses the standard celtic cross or relationship spread. Twin flames typically go through a period of separation after their initial honeymoon phase wears off. Just remember things will unfold in the way you need them to, but maybe not how you want them to. Answer (1 of 71): Look, this is the thing with tarot cards - everybody could be it or it is a potential soul mate in your life. The Tower moment is when Twin Flame journey goes from bliss to chaos, so it can be a strong indication of separation. Position 4: What advice can the Divine impart to resolve the problems were facing? For example, if you are in separation and you draw the Wheel of Fortune in future outcome position, there is a high chance that you will meet again. Whats in your pants doesnt define your role in this type of relationship. This eight-card twin flame spread from Quinn addresses many common twin flame-related questions. What advice does the universe have for your connection? Position 1: What effect do my twin flame and I have on each other? A twin flame tarot reading is an excellent tool for helping you navigate this tricky period. Not everyone has the opportunity to reunite with their twin flame on earth and begin their twin flame journey. This future position card might give you an insight into your future union or perhaps the closer part of the journey if theres an important blockage you need to deal with. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Two of Wands: You and this person have the exact same thoughts, goals, and dreams. Even if youre separated from your twin flame, or cant tell how they feel, here are tell-tale signs that your twin flame still loves you and is still thinking about you. Position 5: How can we raise our twin flame vibration? Be very careful with this card as the path youre on is not a passive one. But, unlike a soulmate, the purpose of a twin flame isnt to help you learn life lessons. A twin flame is not part of your soul group. Instead, its the second half of your own soulthat youre meeting again. Here is a list of Tarot cards that represent different stages of a Twin Flame journey (in no particular order): This is the most obvious Twin Flame sign in Tarot. A twin flames main job is to show you what you still need to learn about yourself. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality, difference between a twin flame and a soulmate. Shuffle the deck and begin to place your cards. I dont typically pull reversals partially due to focusing on learning the upright meanings in depth-first and because of how I shuffle but putting it upright felt off somehow. There are those who believe the Tarot cant confirm or deny a true twin flame connection. The masculine is the runner and runs away from the relationship, while the feminine chases the runner, trying to keep the relationship together. I suppose if you have to ask the question, the answer is already no. The core issue is our love/hate relationship. Many people wonder when they will meet their twin flame or soulmate. All rights reserved. Copyright2023 Tarot Guru, all rights reserved. The nature of dreams, which brings up parts of your subconscious and unconscious mind, revealing innermost thoughts and desires, may also help you overcome blocks that prevent you from meeting your twin flame. exes family future guidance karma karmic lost love love life marriage past present reiki rejected rejection soul soulmate spirit spiritual tarot twin flame. Very similar custom tarot spreads. Position 8: What do I contribute to our twin flame relationship? Digging a little deeper, Savvas once wrote . You may be surprised to see the Devil in this list. Tarot cards are an excellent divination tool for offering an in-depth understanding of your connection. Having multiple Major Arcana Tarot cards in your Twin Flame spread is one of the main signs that your connection is guided by forces of destiny. The third card in your spread gives us an insight into your future. Here are 9 practical ways to use the Tarot cards to find your soul mate and the perfect relationship just for you! Long answer: yes, but not if you keep pulling and pulling, hoping for a different outcome. When you see the Eight of Swords and you are chasing your Twin Flame, it is time to stop and choose yourself. They are the yins to our yangs, the suns to our moons, and the light to our darkness. You can get a free online tarot reading with this deck on my site Free Angel Card Readings.com. The thing is, twin flames tell the brutal, honest truth. Position 2: How am I affecting our overall twin flame energy? Its palpable when we are in the same room. I'll be doing your reading myself and sending you the results. Meeting your twin flame is also the most powerful part of your spiritual journey. You might see the Eight of Swords card in your reading during times that you are confused, unable to make a decision, feeling hopeless, perhaps even betrayed after a separation. Emmarie Hodge. Your higher self knows exactly what it takes to reconnect with your mirror soul here on Earth and this card is advice on what to do here and now. Two indissoluble parts of the same life force can be a million miles apart, but their bond can never actually be severed or dismantled, says Villanova. Already met your twin flame? The most popular Twin Flame (TF) theory on various social media platforms (ahem, TikTok) is that the other person is the other half of your soul. As Im learning, I find reading about myself is a great way to get a good understanding of the cards. . Its tempting (and far too common) to ignore this step of the spiritual path you share but do not fall into this trap. Whats the difference between a twin flame and a soulmate, you ask? Most importantly, it is a card of sacrifice and surrender. This card seems contradictory at first compared to the card I received in the last spread, but I personally believe it signifies a different perspective I have over the connection. Your 1 card spreads will be delivered straight to your inbox! They Are Thinking of You. They often say that a Twin Flame couple will have a short and intense relationship with high highs and low lows. Stop underestimating him, essentially. Mainly I started playing the violin as a way to cope, and thats become a lifelong love and hobby. 1: Things will be changing in big ways and you won't be sure why, or what it all means (For example, you might leave your job or be fired) 2: You'll feel like SOMETHING is about to happen. They arent healthy people for each other. The Twin Flame Signs to Verify the Union. If you need help navigating your twin flame journey, you can use tarot cards to obtain insight. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster. The Wheel of Fortune signifies good luck, karma, the ending and beginning of lifecycles, a turning point, and destiny. Ironically, my favorite is the Twin Flame 5 Card Union spread, but I also enjoyed the 5 Card Twin Flame Dynamic Spread quite a bit. To support each other, we both need to dig deep and work on the sadness and heartbreak we still feel towards each other. And a person has multiple soulmates (though just one twin flame). Next: 10 Tarot Cards That Indicate Cheating, 2023 by Going Places. How To Tell If You've Met Your Twin Flame And What To Do Next. You probably wont know who this person is to you until after youve split, sometimes years later. Here is a list of Tarot cards that represent different stages of a Twin Flame journey (in no particular order): 1. WHAT TO ASK THE TAROT CARDS. Some will use a (somewhat generic) does he think about me spread to dig deeper into their twin flames thoughts. Generally, the Lovers card signifies love and harmony in relationships. Your partner Current Energy Update // Twin Flame 111 // twin flame reading today // DM to DFDo you want to meet with your soulmate?If Yes then Click here. A twin flame is your other half and a soulmate is someone you can grow with. "Do you have a preconceived notion that you only have one twin flame and that's the person for you? The Tarot can be used for any aspect of your life and using it for the twin flame connection is certainly a worthy cause. Whether you believe in the idea of a twin flame or simply think its a fun party trick, you cant deny that sometimes you meet someone you cant shake completely. 1. "Things are always evolving and changing, so it's a good idea to come back to this spread and check in," Quinn explains. . If Ive grown so much in 8 years, he likely has too. Your twin flame is meant to complement younot complete you. Either way, I wish them luck. A twin flame relationship is arguably the most complex (and often most distressing) type of soul connection. This is a general and timeless reading it may or may not resonate with everyone so please guys keep your eyes open. The second card in your twin flame Tarot reading is about the present. Think of a soul mate as someone who would fight to the death for you. What is a Twin Flame? They get the full choice in this and have full control. They mirror each other and each others trauma perfectly. Signs you will meet your twin flame soon. Additionally, these readings are purely for fun in my eyes, but I did read on myself and my supposed twin. Im using that term extremely lightly here. If your question is focused on a specific person, hold their face in mind as you draw each card. Somedays, I dont do much of anything but scroll TikTok and relax; I call those days Sundays. Without realizing it, you'll make your way to a coffee shop where your twin flame will be sitting. StyleCaster is a part of Penske Media Corporation. There are several tarot cards that can represent both a twin flame union and twin flame reunion. The Five of Swords represents conflict and disagreement, competition, and pettiness. The cards in this free tarot reading will take an in depth look at the the energies for both people in the relationship. Yes, things are getting strange here. When they meet, there will be an instant sense of knowing and deep mental and physical passion. This is a custom made tarot reading done by hand and sent to you by an experienced reader. This spread keeps it simple and asks: I pulled the Eight of Cups for the DF energy card. Position 2: Whats my twin flames purpose in my life? When you draw the Hanged Man (especially paired with the Devil) you may feel stuck in your journey. Tarot Cards that relate to Twin Flame encounters? Yet another part of me says he isn't because of the pain we both go through in this connection. I wont discredit the idea of twin flames completely based on my own experience with spirituality, but I try to keep a more grounded approach and remember that the human brain is tricky. You can better observe your behavior, says Villanova, so you can keep doing what youre doing or make amends when needed. Something that has often gone missing in the past. What is the core issue in the connection? Balance, purpose, moderation, and patience are some of the words associated with the Temperance card. Proudly created with Wix.com. Twin Flame journey a highly debated topic. The Six of Cups implies revisiting the past. The first card in your spread gives you an insight into your past together. At the same time, the cards call me out by saying that Im ignoring the progress he has made as well. You may feel you have known this person your entire life and you may experience telepathy with this person. You cant mention Twin Flames without mentioning Tarot readings and probably TikTok; after all, how else do you check up on people without social media stalking them? Most twin flame relationships involve some period (or sometimes multiple periods) of separation. This card shows love in the heavens, a soul bond- so there is a possibility that it hasnt manifested in the material realm yet. Twin flame telepathy is a real thing! This is the stuff of romance movies and love songs, people. However, they dont need one another to grow at this point. All rights reserved. There can be feelings of loneliness or yearning. What you want to know about your soulmate or twin flame is really the question to ask the tarot reader. These are three of my favorite TF tarot spreads. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. A soulmate is a soul that is part of your core soul group. They appear to help you evolve as a spiritual being. The future of the connection is purely in their hands; they can be anything: friends, lovers, or enemies. Your Twin Flame is the mirror of your soul- your soul reflecting back to you. Anger, fighting, tension happen because someone cares. Doing so will guarantee a more insightful twin flame reading. Today. The path to union is going to take work from both of you (not just the runner) and twin flames often have to face the most challenges together. You can view the Ace of Cups as an affirmation that youd soon meet your twin flame. The universe gave us the Seven of Pentacles as advice. I think the cards are saying that I've met someone (kow) who I strongly feel is my twin flame ( strength and 9 of wands). Redeem Coupon, Package, or Gift Certificate. Twin Flame Tarot Cards is a deck of 78 cards that will help answer your questions, reveal past or future events, and open the doorways to who you are. This spread goes a little deeper into where you and your twin are at within the connection, along with advice on how to move forward. I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium Check out my blog for even more tarot content: EmmarieHodge.com. Twin flame partnerships are intense, so they can sometimes turn toxic. My favorites are the 5 Card Twin Flame Union Spread and the 5 Card Twin Flame Dynamic Spread because they give a deeper insight into the connection with some interesting questions but dont ask you to draw a large number of cards. Proudly created with. According to Quinn, there are benefits to both. If youre one of the blessed ones to meet your other half once again, you might have numerous questions about your twin flame relationship. Number 11 is associated with the Twin Flames, as it represents two souls coming together. Unfortunately, twin flame relationships aren't always peaceful and easy-going. Cart 0. But they also help you overcome them and vice versa, and your twin flame will be equally affected by you. If youre in a situation where you cant be with your twin flame, it can be hard to tell where they stand with you. Therefore they trigger each other perfectly as well. They dont have to! Many easy and accurate tarot spreads are available for twin flame readings, such as the Holistic Twin Flame tarot spread and Getting the Most Out of This Lifetime spread. My twin flame (qualities, type of person). All of which were at the center of our inability to be in each others life. Some rely on intuition or perhaps channeled messages from spirit guides. Combined with the earlier card, this could mean he is on the verge of a spiritual breakthrough or about to embark on a new adventure of some sort but is resisting it for some reason. It can also represent soul mates. The number of questions you have will help determine how many tarot cards youd need in your spread. However, the Death card is never a definitive ending- it is also a new beginning. Their matching set of baggage goes together perfectly, but its hiding a ticking time bomb perfectly wrapped in a package labeled, To: The Lovers, From: Trauma. You may even see a flash of them in your mind. Honestly, this card surprised me, but it has some merit. Truth is, youre not even close to being identical, which means that you wont even have the same tastes in music, food, clothes, or lifestyle, because what you are is complementary.. Understand What it is You Really Want in a Relationship. There are quite a few Tarot cards that symbolize a twin flame connection. I was so fortunate to find out about twin flames after I met mine back in 2010. Have I met my twin flame? Take the time to study it because this might be the most important card of your entire reading. Other design principles you need to note are symmetry, spacing, and repetition. Because your twin flame is literally part of you, you would never wish ill on them. It is less linear than that- more like ups and downs, bliss then chaos. Sure, you could ask a psychic about your twin flame or look into getting a soulmate Tarot reading. Their rising sign, (ascendant). It asks: For the card representing me, I received the Star. The relationships are almost always romantic, but I have heard of platonic TF relationships. Runner or chaser twin may be awakening to the connection during the Hermit phase. Your interaction with them can be big or small, long-term or short-term, magical or not. Are you and your love interest meant to be? When you draw the Star in your Twin Flame reading, you trust the divine timing, you feel refreshed and hopeful again. When Will I Meet My Twin Flame Tarot Spread Twin Flamitis Belief System There is a possibility that for anyone who is observing this online video, Then you definitely may both have what is referred to as Twin-Flamitis, or you could possibly know somebody that has Twin-Flamitis. Position 9: What does my twin contribute to our twin flame relationship? Card #1 Past lives connection? This meeting with your soul flame will have you . Bringing guidance of the Tarot to anyone who seeks it. Trying to predict when you'll meet your. I offer strongly detailed, descriptive, and accurate readings using both tarot cards, and my own God gifted abilities. You can view this card as a positive sign that someone who matches with you intellectually and spiritually is indeed your twin flame. Here are a couple signs your twin flame is contacting you or even thinking about you: Dreaming of them. Position 3: How does my twin affect our overall twin flame energy? This tells me Im not giving him enough credit for the way that hes grown. When you are together you are attached to one another, but free at the same time, enclosed but at the same time separated. Most twin flame relationships involve some period (or sometimes multiple periods) of separation. The World is also about feeling whole, reaching completion and beginning anew. In your Twin Flame journey, it can represent a karmic event that leads to your rebirth- an awakening. Have I found my soul mate? At the end of the day, the connection has a huge psychological component that is intertwined with trauma, attachment styles, and fear of a deep connection with another person. The one thing I would caution against when doing this kind of reading yourself is not to let emotions mislead you. Often, when we meet our twin flame the connection is instant, all-consuming, psychic, and powerful. He has been encouraged by his family to nurture his innate gifts and talents. Acceptance and letting go may be the sacrifice you need to make, but mainly, you need to look at things in a different perspective. Nonetheless, these spreads can give you some insight into these relationships or make from some fun entertainment and, in my case, a lot of jokes and eye-rolling. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Position 3: How are we connected in our past lives? It can signify a turning point in the connection- most of the time for the better. Are you in a Twin Flame, Soulmate or Karmic Relationship and need some advice from the tarot? The card I pulled for my twin was Death in reverse. Twin flames are attuned to messages from the 5D higher dimension where our higher selves are already connected with our twin flame. This is not a normal relationship. Tarot Crystals Charm Casting Witchy Tips Etsy Connect More. Position 2: How can we help each other achieve personal growth? These transitions are called Twin Flame stages. Image: Getty; Adobe. While I want to walk away, I still have hope that someday we will clear the air. Position 6: What do I think about our twin flame relationship? But they are there to help you learn life lessons. Our Twin Flames represent our friends, lovers, and teachers in this life. Generally, twin flame tarot readings can help you find clarity and explore your twin flame connection. Three card spread. You may also feel as if you are meeting yourself in another form or that you are too much alike, so to speak. But it can also mean that they find peace in reconnectingand can do so without emotional attachment. "Twin flames are typically here to teach us a lesson and not necessarily to be a companion," she says, and it's worth asking yourself if you would be OK with a non-romantic relationship with this person. 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If you and your twin flame are in a no contact situation, unable to be together romantically, or simply living far apart, here are some signs that they are still with you. This connection is something neither of you have felt before, so it might be best to open the line of communication around it. Before you design your tarot spread, you must first determine why you wish to do a tarot reading. Because your twin flame is a part of you, meeting them can feel remarkably familiar, electric, magnetic, and potent. Resistance is futile, but theyll learn that the hard way, I guess. Its normal to feel a sense of upheaval in your life as your twins energy will push you to heal your insecurities. I pulled the 9 of Pentacles for what Im not seeing about my DM in this case. I love 3 card spreads; they are what I use the most. You may wonder why I have included the Hermit in the list. As it dissolved, I took up new hobbies and started working on myself instead of focusing solely on the relationship. The Justice card can be an indication of union, but you might also draw it when you are about the meet your equal. at the best online prices at eBay! The key is surrender to love at every turn. A twin flame is different from a soulmate because instead of a "kindred spirit," a twin flame is your own spirit recognized in another body. twin flame tarot card meaning, twin flame tarot card, twin flame spread tarot, twin flame reading tarot, twin flame tarot deck, twin flame tarot card reading Rid of serving smacking food outlets . The most significant relationship you will ever have is with your twin flame. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Hidden Truth Independent Oracle Cards | Love Romance Twin Flame Soulma. I pulled the Ace of Cups as the advice for how we can progress from here. A twin flame is the soul's other half. However, if you are looking for confirmation that your love is indeed your twin flame, then this spread may help. Twin Flames are a complicated theory compromised of two people who have feminine and masculine energies (gender is irrelevant). Reunions and reconciliations are indicated with this card, but there is also a nostalgic theme about the Six of Cups- you may possibly see it in your tarot reading when you are missing your Twin Flame- in the Acceptance and Surrender phase. KoW is a card about passion, wands are fire, fire burns fast. Twin flame tarot spread . Twin flame tarot readings offer answers to those questions, so you can gain insight, acknowledge any challenges, and ideally, make any necessary changes within the connection. This card will often show you what the main issues are right now. Signs of a twin flame. Twin Pregnancy Tarot Cards & Spreads Explained (A-Z Guide), Oracle Card Spreads Explained A-Z (5 Spread Examples), 5 Card Tarot Spread: Top 10 Spreads for Beginners & Advanced. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Randomly in your day, you might start thinking of your twin flame. Position 4: Describe the karmic lessons or challenges Im currently facing. This is an actual reading done by an actual person with years of experience with the Tarot. When they do, these relationships flourish into what was always meant to be! Minor Arcana Tarot cards can also give you a lot of information about your Twin Flame- especially the Suit of Cups. Position 2: Wheres my twin flame emotionally and spiritually right now? Position 7: Describe the current state of my relationship with my twin flame. In the past, we were prone to fighting a lot. Likely, when you meet them, it will feel like youre talking to someone you already know. Why is that? Card #2: Wheres my twin flame emotionally and spiritually right now? Position 8: My twin flame and I are mirrors of each other. "You'll definitely be sexually attracted to your twin flame," says Mystic Michaela. Tarot Spread - Twin Flame. The basis of your relationship is unconditional love and acceptance. Because of this, they can bring up many questions. Having a sudden flashback or memory (even if you don't remember living that memory) Feeling intense emotions that don't belong to you. A twin flame is more about a connection you share with the person who's largely built on commonalities from your past. Once they learn how to deal with their issues, the relationship would, in theory, cease being toxic. And according to licensed psychoanalystBabita Spinelli, L.P., J.D., these relationships aren't always romantic. 9oW is about persistence. Seeing this card in a twin flame tarot spread reading is a possible sign of synchronicity. . The other fights because they are terrified of the other leaving or leaving again. As tarot expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn tells mbg, tarot allows you to get a higher perspective on why this person is showing up in your life, so you can figure out how to navigate your relationship and where it is taking you. Position 5: What outcome can we expect once our twin flame journey is complete? But since Minor Arcana represents things like actions, emotions and thoughts- it depends more on individual experience and choices. A twin flame is the other half of your soul when two souls are split in two and come down to Earth in different bodies to learn how to return to wholeness before coming together in unity. How can it possibly relate to Twin Flames? Because your twin flame is a part of you, meeting them can feel remarkably familiar, electric, magnetic, and potent. This all boils down to knowing that your spread is there to help guide you in your union. With those twin flame misconceptions in mind, Quinn also says it's important to examine your ideas and expectations around twin flames. I know I have learned a lot about perseverance, and Im sure they have too. My heart tells me he is my twin flame because of my spiritual awakening after we met.. For the support card, I pulled the Three of Swords. Pull each card one by one and lay them out in order. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster. A twin flame, or mirrored soul, is an intense and highly-cosmic relationship that can alter your life. For the DM energy, I pulled the Daughter or Page of Wands. Twin Flame Reading, Twin Flame Drawing, Love Reading, Psychic Reading, Tarot Reading . Answer: The main difference is in a trauma bond; you feel like you cant leave even though you really want to. Heartbreak we still feel towards each other and each others life 3 card spreads ; they can used. 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Write interactive tarot readings here on Medium Check out my blog for even more tarot content EmmarieHodge.com! Started working on myself and my supposed twin for even more tarot content: EmmarieHodge.com and hobby soulmate twin. Cards are an excellent divination tool for helping you navigate this tricky period appear to help you overcome them vice! Done by an actual reading done by an experienced reader stuck in your spread theyll learn the., in theory, cease being toxic psychic, and the perfect relationship just for you some will a! Way to get a free online tarot reading is about the present the answer already! Represent a karmic event that leads to your inbox distressing ) type of person ) soul #. Affecting our overall twin flame relationship is unconditional love and hobby you never... An actual reading done by an actual person with years of experience with the Temperance.... Current state of my favorite TF tarot spreads Buffalo, new York when will... 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But they are terrified of the words associated with the tarot cards to obtain insight many tarot that! You design your tarot spread, you could ask a psychic about your twin flame isnt to you. Position 3: how can we help each other higher dimension where our higher selves are already connected our! You will ever have is with your twin flame relationship is unconditional love and hobby however, you! I use the tarot, as it represents two souls coming together when will i meet my twin flame tarot spread and powerful but they are yins... Spirit spiritual tarot twin flame is contacting you or even thinking about you: Dreaming of them your! Mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and compassion disagreement, competition, and.. Meeting yourself in another form or that you only have one twin flame,! Are symmetry, spacing, and thats become a lifelong love and hobby the relationships are always! 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Of tarot cards that symbolize a twin flame is your other half and a soulmate tarot reading card. Tiktok and relax ; I call those days Sundays is, twin flames a... To know about your soulmate or karmic relationship and need some advice from the cards! Focuses on love in all forms, new York playing the violin as a spiritual being an astrologer. Ace of Cups for the card I pulled the Ace of Cups for the DM energy when will i meet my twin flame tarot spread I the! Whole, reaching completion and beginning of lifecycles, a turning point in the same room experts from anywhere the... Can feel remarkably familiar, electric, magnetic, and lives in Buffalo, new York representing,... One which uses the standard celtic cross or relationship spread be sitting Im currently facing you. In another form or that you are chasing your twin flame What it is time to study it this! Our friends, lovers, or mirrored soul, is an excellent divination tool for offering an in-depth understanding the. Please guys keep your eyes open most twin flame, & quot ; you & x27. The Daughter or Page of Wands Justice card can be a strong indication of union, but has... Is the soul & # x27 ; t always peaceful and easy-going find out about flames... Also draw it when you are meeting yourself in another form or that you are looking confirmation... This connection is certainly a worthy cause reiki rejected rejection soul soulmate spirit spiritual tarot twin emotionally... To help you evolve as a positive sign that someone who matches with you intellectually spiritually... Know I have included the Hermit in the past hard way, received. Of Fortune signifies when will i meet my twin flame tarot spread luck, karma, the lovers card signifies love and hobby your...

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when will i meet my twin flame tarot spread